New Member Form
Welcome to the Putts N Beers Golf Club!

We are a group of men and women golfers primarily based in the San Fernando Valley. We play one Saturday a month at one of several area courses in LA and Ventura counties usually within a one hour travel time from the valley.

Check out our schedule for this year! We would love to have you join our club for one Saturday of fun and good times each month!!
Once you have become an active member, you can then decide what information is to be shown or not-shown on your own player webpage.
To learn more how you can use this page and get the most out of your own player profile, click here.
Personal Info*
7-Digit GHIN Index Number:
(if Known):
(note: no hypens or dashes)
Previous club or current other club:
Club Affiliations:  SCGA
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Gender: male  female
Birthdate:* (mm/dd/yyyy)  (Note: 18 and under qualifies as Junior)
Zip Code:*
Home Phone:*
Cell Phone:
Personal Email:*
Email required
Additional Information, Comments, Questions, etc.

Please type what you see:

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