New Member Form

I hereby submit my application for membership in the Hansen Dam Men's Golf Club subject to acceptance by the Board of Directors. Enclosed are the appropriate fees to cover membership through December 2017. I agree to abide by the rules set forth in the Club's Constitution and Bylaws and the regulations established by the Department of Recreation and Parks.

Regular Membership: $60.00 ($65.00 online)
Associate Junior Membeship: $0.00
(Under 18, MUST be sponsored by a Regular Member)

Once you submit this form, you will be notified of your membership and once approved, you will need to send your membership fee to:
Hansen Dam Men's Golf Club
1246 San Fernando Road
San Fernando, CA  91340

Once you have become an active member, you can then decide what information is to be shown or not-shown on your own player webpage.
To learn more how you can use this page and get the most out of your own player profile, click here.
Personal Info*
7-Digit GHIN Index Number:
(if Known):
(note: no hypens or dashes)
Previous club or current other club:
Club Affiliations:  SCGA
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Gender: male  female
Birthdate:* (mm/dd/yyyy)  (Note: 18 and under qualifies as Junior)
Zip Code:*
Home Phone:*
Cell Phone:
Personal Email:*
Email required
Additional Information, Comments, Questions, etc.
(note: If you have any comments or questions, enter them below. If you are initializing a new handicap, we will need your last 5 scores including the course(s) you played, rating and slope of the course(s) you played, date played and the your score.)

Please type what you see:

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